Saturday, July 20, 2013

microsoft office 2013 & Activator-අලුත් විදියට වැඩ කරන්න

microsoft office 2013 & Activator-අලුත් විදියට වැඩ කරන්න 

For those of you who thought Microsoft would completely overhaul Office ahead of the Windows 8 release, let's put it this way: if you could survive the transition to Ribbon menus in Office 2007, you'll quickly feel at home here. The Ribbon is, indeed, still the cornerstone of the Office experience, the visual metaphor permeating Word, Excel, Outlook and every other application in the suite.

Nonetheless, Microsoft has made some subtle changes to the UI, and they're all quite important. For starters, no matter what app you're using, you'll find your name and Microsoft account photo in the upper-right corner -- a reminder that the cloud is now the linchpin to the Office experience. From there, you can click the photo to adjust your account settings, swap in a new picture or even switch accounts.

කව්රුත් ඉතින් office ගැන දන්නවනේ .ඔන්න මන් අද ඔයාලට ගේනවා microsoft 2013 සංස්කරණය අක්ටිවේටරයත්
එක්කම .පරණ ඒවාට වැඩ මේක ගොඩක් වැඩි දියණු කරලා තියනවා .දාන්න පුළුවන් වැඩ කෑලි ගොඩයි.මේක
64bit & 32bit දෙකටම ඩවුන්ලෝඩ් ලින්ක් පල්ලයහින් දානවා . ඈ කියන්න අමතක උනා නේ අක්ටිවෙටරයේ
ලින්ක් එකත් පල්ලයහ ඇති . ඩවුන්ලෝඩ් කරගෙනම බලන්නකෝ

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